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Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Pleasure by Eric J Dickey will always be my very favorite! Eric is a Memphis native and is extremely talented. He has written plenty of books, I'm sure find one that suits your taste. He was the first to introduce me to The Red Light District and moved me to add Amsterdam to my list of places to visit. He also inspired me to research and love poetry even more. Anais Nin is one of the poets he quotes in his books, she was utterly amazing as well. Also his Gideon series will leave you wanting more and more. He's truly one of the GREATS!
Some positive points I took away from his reads would be always, always go after what you want. Never be ashamed of who you or what you like. He writes about such  strong minded people and that it's okay to push yourself, often. Lastly, he is so thorough and detailed with words, it makes you feel like you're one of the characters!
I enjoy his books so I see no negative points to discuss.

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